Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Weekend

 We had a busy weekend in our house. This weekend was my mom's surprise 50th birthday party.
                                                             My mom with her cake                                 

                                               Me,my Mom, Grandma, my Dad and the Bird

 A good time was had by all and my mom was very surprised.  I was so glad everything went off with out a hitch. After all of the running around on Friday and Saturday, Sunday was a day to relax we went to my moms for leftovers and just hung out the rest of the day. Ttomorrow will be filled with cleaning and getting back on track.  I am still working on the birds blanket, I am hoping to have it done by next weekend if I can really put some time in on it.  Hopefully we will be having a snow day on Tuesday and then I can really get some work done.  Well I am off to work on my menu plan for the week. Hope everyone had an eventful weekend. 

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