Thursday, January 6, 2011

my Family

  I  am going to use this post to introduce myself and my family, So here it goes . My name is Jill I 'm a 32 year old mom of 2.  A little girl who is 5 the Bird and a little boy 3 the Bean.  I love to cook and try new recipes The Pioneer Women and Paula Dean are my  cooking idles.   I love to read blogs they give me so many good recipes and kid ideas.  I am an avid crocheter it helps me relax, I love my home even though it always seems like I am changing something. They say your house is  never done and I believe this to be true. It seemed like mine is always a work in progress.  My kids are my life and I would not change that for anything. and I am also a Wii junky when the kids go to bed.
    This is me

    This is my Bird

  The pic was taken in Disney but she is my princess everyday. She is 5 a sweet and loving little girl. She loves to cook with mommy, and do crafts. She loves to be a girly girl but can pick up a fishing pole and hang with the boys.

  This is my Bean

He is a 3 year old rambunctious get in to everything little boy. But I wouldn't trade him for the world. He loves cars and trains. Anything to do with being outside with his daddy.

And Finally here is the hubby

 We have been together for 13 years and married for 7.   He is a wonderful Husband and father. He works hard so I can stay home and raise our kids.

Well that's me and my family hope u enjoyed the intro.

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