Monday, January 3, 2011

My First Menu Plan Monday

   I decided I will be participating in Menu Plan Monday over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.  When I was a blog stalker this was one of my favorite things to read. It gave me so many good ideas and know I get to put up my own.  I will not be grocery shopping this week but, trying to eat out of my pantry and freezer.  So we will not be having anything to exciting but, here it goes anyway.

     Monday - Breaded Pork Chops, Peas, and Homemade french fries
     Tuesday -  Spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread

     Wednesday - Crock Pot day   Mushroom Roast, Corn, and Beef Rice

     Thursday - Beef Pot Pie ( with the leftover roast )

     Friday - Chicken Kiev, Twice baked potatoes, and broccoli

     Saturday - Steak, Scalloped Potatoes, and green beans

     Sunday - Oven stuffer, mashed potatoes, and corn

 I am also going to be making home made bread and homemade cinnamon bread that I got from Suzanne at Chickens in the Road. Easy recipe and it taste great.  If you have the time give it a whirl. 



  1. Looks like a tasty week and I would never guess you were cooking from the freezer/pantry. Have a great week!


  2. I would love the recipe for your Crockpot Wednesday. That sounds delicious.

  3. Karen THe crockpot recipe is so easy and delicious. You put the roast in your crock pot on hi till it browns. Turn it down to low, after a couple hours when there is enough liquid. Take out the roast and put in a package of lipton recipes onion soup mix and a can of cream of mushroom soup. Mix well and add the roast back in. Cook for about 4 more hours on low or as long as you want. Hope you enjoy it.
