Saturday, January 1, 2011

After reading blog after blog for the past year, I have decided to start one as part of my new years resolution. I think it is going to take some getting use to but, hopefully I will get in to the swing of things. I am a 32 year old mom of 2 a 5 year old girl the Bird and a 3 year old boy the Bean. I love being a stay at home mom and spending everyday with my kids. I love to try and be frugal and shop the sales. We need to try and stretch our dollars as far as we can. Since we are a one income family. I am an avid crocheter and hope to start an etsy shop this year as well. Photography is another love of mine and I always have a camera near by. We are just finishing up our Christmas break here. My husband is getting ready to go back to work and the Bird back to school. Then it will just be me and the bean in the mornings. Unfortunately we did not get to do much this break do to the overwhelming amounts of snow and the virus that started spreading through our house the day after Christmas. Just when we thought everything was better, my daughter came down with the virus today. Hopefully she will be in shape to go to school on Monday. I will be keeping my fingers crossed. Well for now I must get back to taking care of my bird but I will Be back. Happy New Year to All.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging! Last year was my first year blogging and I've loved it. I can't wait to read more from you.
