Monday, January 17, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

  Another Monday I cant believe how fast the time seems to be going by.  Its hard to believe January is half over. I will be grocery shopping on Thursday this week. So the first half of my menu is from last weeks shopping.  With out further a do here is my menu plan  :0)

Monday  - London Broil
                 Brussel Sprouts
                 Chicken & Broccoli Rice

Tuesday -  Sausage Sandwiches
                  Homemade French Fries

Wednesday - Beef Pot Pie

Thursday -  Breaded Pork Chops
                   Home style Mac & Cheese

Friday -     Pot Roast

Saturday - We are eating out for a friends birthday

Sunday -   Oven stuffer
                 Mashed Potatoes

We will also be making cupcakes and a special dessert for my Moms birthday. But, we are not sure what yet. Hope everyone has a great week.

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1 comment:

  1. Lots of great ideas! Thanks for sharing your plan with us. :0)
