Saturday, April 9, 2011

Still Alive

  It has been way to long since I have posted. You may think I fell off the face of the earth. But I am here and promise to get my stuff together and be a better blogger. So much has happened since I have last posted.  Life here has been good and crazy busy. We are getting our yard ready for the spring with a ton of projects.  Trying to spring clean the house and get everything in order. On the bad side of things the transmission went in our suburban, so life is full of major stress. I know we will get through it and it is just a bump in the road. Although it is one of the worst bumps we have had in a while. Life will go on :)
Well this is just a check in and I will be back with a weekend post tommorow night. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Weekend

 We had a busy weekend in our house. This weekend was my mom's surprise 50th birthday party.
                                                             My mom with her cake                                 

                                               Me,my Mom, Grandma, my Dad and the Bird

 A good time was had by all and my mom was very surprised.  I was so glad everything went off with out a hitch. After all of the running around on Friday and Saturday, Sunday was a day to relax we went to my moms for leftovers and just hung out the rest of the day. Ttomorrow will be filled with cleaning and getting back on track.  I am still working on the birds blanket, I am hoping to have it done by next weekend if I can really put some time in on it.  Hopefully we will be having a snow day on Tuesday and then I can really get some work done.  Well I am off to work on my menu plan for the week. Hope everyone had an eventful weekend. 

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Friday, January 21, 2011

A Very Special Day

 Today is a very special day, It's my moms 50th birthday.  Just wanted to wish her a happy birthday and let her know how special she is to me. Not only is she my mom but my best friend. I would not be the person I am today if it was not for her.


Happy Birthday Mommy!!! We love you!!

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday

  Its time for Work in Progress Wednesdays over at Tami's Amis and Other Crochet.  I can't believe how fast the days are going by and I am being a bad blogger. I need to kick it up a notch and start posting some more.  The project I am working on now is a Granny Ripple Afghan for my daughter. I think it is coming out well for my first try. 

  I love the colors in this blanket They go together so well . I used  Red Heart Super Saver Medium Purple and Red Heart Super Saver Plum Pudding.  Hoping to have this afghan done by next week but, I'll see how much free time I have this week.  When I get this project done I will be working on a queen size bedspread for my mom and dad.  That will be time consuming so I may work on small projects on the side.  Hope everyone has a great week.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

  Another Monday I cant believe how fast the time seems to be going by.  Its hard to believe January is half over. I will be grocery shopping on Thursday this week. So the first half of my menu is from last weeks shopping.  With out further a do here is my menu plan  :0)

Monday  - London Broil
                 Brussel Sprouts
                 Chicken & Broccoli Rice

Tuesday -  Sausage Sandwiches
                  Homemade French Fries

Wednesday - Beef Pot Pie

Thursday -  Breaded Pork Chops
                   Home style Mac & Cheese

Friday -     Pot Roast

Saturday - We are eating out for a friends birthday

Sunday -   Oven stuffer
                 Mashed Potatoes

We will also be making cupcakes and a special dessert for my Moms birthday. But, we are not sure what yet. Hope everyone has a great week.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday

  So its time for Work in Progress Wednesday hosted by Tami at Tami's Amis and Other Crochet
Last week was my first week to participate but, I did not get to link up in time.  I Finished the scarf set for my mom it came out well and now I am working on another scarf set.  They are pretty easy to whip up and I am thinking about starting an Etsy shop this year maybe if I can get a bunch of stuff made. We will see what happens. Here is the set I am working on right know

I love the color purple.  I hope to have this done tonight or tomorrow.  Then to start on the ripple afghan for my daughter. I have been looking online and I am having a hard time finding a pattern I like. If anyone has any suggestions feel free.  I have the yarn already my Bird is also a purple lover. I am going to use Red Heart Super Saver Plum Pudding and Red Heart Super Saver Medium Purple.  I would like to throw in a third color but I'm having a hard time picking something out. Off to try and finish my scarf set and enjoy a cup of tea.

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Just Rambling

I am not really sure what to blog about so I am going to kind of just ramble.  So today this is what we woke up to

Ahh the snow my Bird was excited for a snow day.  She even wore her pj's inside out last night so it would snow.  She is to cute :). The kids can't wait to build a snowman and go sledding.  We are going to clean out the birds closet today and bake some brownies per the kiddies request.  I need to try and finish a scarf set I am crocheting and start on the birds ripple blanket. There is also a great deal on free prescription eyeglasses at coastal contacts. Free glasses just pay the shipping so I will be ordering those for my dad. I made Marlboro Mans Favorite Sandwich it kicked butt. Everyone loved it even the Bird and the Bean I have to say Ree has some awesome recipes. If you get a chance head over there and check them out you won't be disappointed.  Well I the kids are ready to go play in the snow so I better get bundled.Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Monday, January 10, 2011

Menu Plan Monday Jan 10

Hard to believe it is time for another menu plan Monday hosted by I'm an Organizing Junkie.  Trying some new recipes this week so I hope they are as good as they look.

Monday - Crock pot pork chops and sauerkraut
                 Potatoes and onion

Tuesday - Marlboro Mans Favorite Sandwich courtesy of Pioneer Women
                Homemade French fries

Wednesday - Bacon and cheese Hot dogs

                     Tator tots

Thursday - Grilled london Broil
                  Mashed Potatoes
                  Brussel Sprouts

Friday -  Steak
               Scalloped Potatoes
               Green beans
              ( This was moved from last week, due to a sudden movie and pizza night)

Saturday - Meatloaf
                 Baked Potato

Sunday - Beef Beer Brisket
               Chicken and broccoli rice
               Drop biscuits

We will also be making cupcakes for dessert and the cinnamon bread from Chickens in the Road. Hop everyone has a good week.

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Work In Progress Wednesday

 So I am going to participate in work in progress Wednesday over at Tami's Amis and other crochet.
I am working on this hat and scarf set for my mom.

   I love the colors. The hat is finished but, I am still working on the scarf hopefully it will be finished tonight.  We will see.  When this is finished I will start working on a ripple afghan for my daughter. I found the best pink and purple yarn her fav colors.

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my Family

  I  am going to use this post to introduce myself and my family, So here it goes . My name is Jill I 'm a 32 year old mom of 2.  A little girl who is 5 the Bird and a little boy 3 the Bean.  I love to cook and try new recipes The Pioneer Women and Paula Dean are my  cooking idles.   I love to read blogs they give me so many good recipes and kid ideas.  I am an avid crocheter it helps me relax, I love my home even though it always seems like I am changing something. They say your house is  never done and I believe this to be true. It seemed like mine is always a work in progress.  My kids are my life and I would not change that for anything. and I am also a Wii junky when the kids go to bed.
    This is me

    This is my Bird

  The pic was taken in Disney but she is my princess everyday. She is 5 a sweet and loving little girl. She loves to cook with mommy, and do crafts. She loves to be a girly girl but can pick up a fishing pole and hang with the boys.

  This is my Bean

He is a 3 year old rambunctious get in to everything little boy. But I wouldn't trade him for the world. He loves cars and trains. Anything to do with being outside with his daddy.

And Finally here is the hubby

 We have been together for 13 years and married for 7.   He is a wonderful Husband and father. He works hard so I can stay home and raise our kids.

Well that's me and my family hope u enjoyed the intro.

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Monday, January 3, 2011

My First Menu Plan Monday

   I decided I will be participating in Menu Plan Monday over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.  When I was a blog stalker this was one of my favorite things to read. It gave me so many good ideas and know I get to put up my own.  I will not be grocery shopping this week but, trying to eat out of my pantry and freezer.  So we will not be having anything to exciting but, here it goes anyway.

     Monday - Breaded Pork Chops, Peas, and Homemade french fries
     Tuesday -  Spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread

     Wednesday - Crock Pot day   Mushroom Roast, Corn, and Beef Rice

     Thursday - Beef Pot Pie ( with the leftover roast )

     Friday - Chicken Kiev, Twice baked potatoes, and broccoli

     Saturday - Steak, Scalloped Potatoes, and green beans

     Sunday - Oven stuffer, mashed potatoes, and corn

 I am also going to be making home made bread and homemade cinnamon bread that I got from Suzanne at Chickens in the Road. Easy recipe and it taste great.  If you have the time give it a whirl. 


Saturday, January 1, 2011

After reading blog after blog for the past year, I have decided to start one as part of my new years resolution. I think it is going to take some getting use to but, hopefully I will get in to the swing of things. I am a 32 year old mom of 2 a 5 year old girl the Bird and a 3 year old boy the Bean. I love being a stay at home mom and spending everyday with my kids. I love to try and be frugal and shop the sales. We need to try and stretch our dollars as far as we can. Since we are a one income family. I am an avid crocheter and hope to start an etsy shop this year as well. Photography is another love of mine and I always have a camera near by. We are just finishing up our Christmas break here. My husband is getting ready to go back to work and the Bird back to school. Then it will just be me and the bean in the mornings. Unfortunately we did not get to do much this break do to the overwhelming amounts of snow and the virus that started spreading through our house the day after Christmas. Just when we thought everything was better, my daughter came down with the virus today. Hopefully she will be in shape to go to school on Monday. I will be keeping my fingers crossed. Well for now I must get back to taking care of my bird but I will Be back. Happy New Year to All.