Friday, January 13, 2012

A Crazy Week

   I have been MIA this week.  It has been a little crazy. The bean had a double ear infection and the bird still has a cold. The days just got away from me and I did not get in any of the posts that I wanted to.  Now that things are getting back to normal I will be able to get in my regular posts.  The weekend is upon us and even though it is a little late. We are going to finish taking down our Christmas tree. The kids still wanted it up and with them being sick I gave it another week. 

  I am really hoping for a nice weekend so that we can get a lot of stuff done. We unfortunately had gotten a leak on our camper roof nothing to bad it just happened.  But needs to be fixed asap so there is not any damage.  Plus we have just the usual cleaning and trying to get organized.  I am hoping by the end of January I will have most of what I want organized done. Well just wanted to stop in and give a little update. Till tomorrow with a weekend post.

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