Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolutions for 2012

   A new year is here and its that time again new year resolutions.  This year a have a few one of which is this blog.  I am hoping to post here alot and get better as I go along.  I really get into ready everyone else's blogs and always want to get into doing my own.  This year I am going to make it happen :) .
   Of course second on my list is weight loss, which I am sure is on so many peoples resolutions for this year.  I have tried in the past and have struck out but, I am putting my all into it this year.  I kind of have a number in mind of where I would like to be.  Even though the number is not as important as how I feel and look.  Thinking about putting a fitness pal on my side bar we will see. 

  I want to work on paying of our debt, so we can cut the stress out of our life. Cutting back, no eating out, and of course couponing. Thinking of joining the grocery cart challenge and spending $50.00 a week on my grocery budget.  I think it is very plausible with couponing and shopping the sales. This year we really want to tighten our belts and get our finances in order. To help with this I am thinking of starting a Etsy shop to sell my crochet.  Even if I only make a few dollars every penny counts.

  Finally I really want to get organized.  Sometimes it is so hard between running with the kids and everyday chores. Cruising on the web I came across the 52 weeks to organizing hosted by I'm an Organizing Junkie. Hoping she hosts this for 2012 but, if not it is something I would like to try on my own.  When things are organized it just makes everything run smoother, and I for one need a smoother running house.

  So with goals in hand I am jumping straight into the fire.  Hoping that I succeed and have a wonderful year.  May you all succeed in your goals for the year.

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