Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year New Try

   Well its 2012 and I am going to try this again. Starting and maintaining a blog was one of my 2011 goals and I failed miserably.  Time got away from me, life went by and I wrote nothing.  So with the new year here and blogging on my list of goals once again, I am hoping to succeed. 
   We had a wonderful Christmas the kids got just about everything they had hoped for. We hosted Christmas eve at our house. My family joined us every thing came out very well and a good time was had by all. Pictures will be soon to follow. I have slacked on uploading them to the computer. Must do that tomorrow.  Christmas day was breakfast with my family and dinner with my husbands.  We had a fun yet exhausting day.  The kids enjoyed the week off from school and even got to go to the movies.  We saw chipwrecked what a cute movie.

    Our daily routine must resume tomorrow school, housework, and daily life.  Hope to be blogging everyday or at least every other. Till tomorrow

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