Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow Day

   Last night the local weather channel was calling for snow.  We went to bed thinking he was basically  full of it mistaken.  The temps have been so uncommonly warm here. Some days we don't even need jackets.  But, this is what we woke up to.

  So hubby had to go out and plow and the kids were super excited about playing in the snow.  It sleeted a majority of the day so we did this

for a good part of the day.  The kids watched movies and I cleaned.  Until my mom came over for her birthday dinner and cake.  So tomorrow will be our big play in the snow day. Tonight I will have to break out the snowman kit from the basement.  I am sure the kids will be up early and ready to go.  Till tomorrow Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend filled with happiness :0)

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