Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Getting It Together

  I wrote about how one of my goals was to try and get organized.  I feel like my life is like this.

   But I want it to be like this

  I have a million things I feel like I want to get done.  Between organizing and working on projects around the house. I feel overwhelmed and like I am not crossing anything of my list.  To try and get myself feeling accomplished I decided to make two lists every month.  One for my personal goals and one for my house goals. Crossing things off on a smaller scale will make me feel like I am getting more done.  By not making the lists to crazy if I get them done before the end of the month I can just add more on.  I am hoping this is the little nitch I need to get on top of things and stay there. I am thinking about putting my lists on my sidebar each moth and crossing stuff off on here as i finish.  It may give me more push to get everything done thinking someone may be reading this.  Here is to hoping I get my but in gear!!!!

  On another note it is my Mom's birthday this Saturday.  She will be the big 51 and we are having everyone over for dinner and cake.  Hoping it turns out great even though I am stuck with the menu.  Usually I can put it together easy. But when you have to feed a lot of people it is hard. I need to get that done and asap. The cake will be made by my MamaJean(my grandma).  She makes the best pistachio cake ever and it is a tradition for my moms birthday. Can't wait to have a slice just thinking about it.  Wish me luck with my menu :)

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