Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sick/ Menu plan Monday

  I am not going to be participating in Menu Plan Monday this week.  I am gonna fly by the seat of my pants every night.  The kids have bronchitis and we have 3 doctors appointments this week. So the menu will be what it is and I am hoping everyone is much better by the end of the week.  I hope everyone has a wonderful week and my menu plan will be back next week.

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow Day

   Last night the local weather channel was calling for snow.  We went to bed thinking he was basically  full of it mistaken.  The temps have been so uncommonly warm here. Some days we don't even need jackets.  But, this is what we woke up to.

  So hubby had to go out and plow and the kids were super excited about playing in the snow.  It sleeted a majority of the day so we did this

for a good part of the day.  The kids watched movies and I cleaned.  Until my mom came over for her birthday dinner and cake.  So tomorrow will be our big play in the snow day. Tonight I will have to break out the snowman kit from the basement.  I am sure the kids will be up early and ready to go.  Till tomorrow Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend filled with happiness :0)

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A Very Special Day

    Today is a very special day.  It's my mommy's birthday.

                                                   ( This pic is from her last years birthday)
     I want to wish her a Very Happy Birthday!! I hope she gets everything she wished for. We love you mom :)

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Friday, January 20, 2012

FO Friday

    This is my first time participating in FO Fridays by Tami at Tami's Amis and Other Creations.  This is an afghan I finished last week.  I had it on WIPW.  I was happy when I got it finished it was a gift and I was really pleased with the way it turned out.  I used Red Heart Super Saver yarn in Buff, Country Rose, Frosty Green, and Coffee. I love the way they look together it blends so nicely.

  Hope everyone has a great weekend and happy yarning :)

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Work in Progress Wednesday

     It's time for Work in Progress Wednesday hosted by Tami at Tami's Amis and other Creations.  I am working on a afghan for my Aunt. The colors I used for this were Red Heart Super Saver Orchid and Red Heart Super Saver Watercolor.  When finished this will be a large granny square with 16 small granny squares around the large square.  With a ruffle boarder I can't wait to see how this looks when it is done.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Getting It Together

  I wrote about how one of my goals was to try and get organized.  I feel like my life is like this.

   But I want it to be like this

  I have a million things I feel like I want to get done.  Between organizing and working on projects around the house. I feel overwhelmed and like I am not crossing anything of my list.  To try and get myself feeling accomplished I decided to make two lists every month.  One for my personal goals and one for my house goals. Crossing things off on a smaller scale will make me feel like I am getting more done.  By not making the lists to crazy if I get them done before the end of the month I can just add more on.  I am hoping this is the little nitch I need to get on top of things and stay there. I am thinking about putting my lists on my sidebar each moth and crossing stuff off on here as i finish.  It may give me more push to get everything done thinking someone may be reading this.  Here is to hoping I get my but in gear!!!!

  On another note it is my Mom's birthday this Saturday.  She will be the big 51 and we are having everyone over for dinner and cake.  Hoping it turns out great even though I am stuck with the menu.  Usually I can put it together easy. But when you have to feed a lot of people it is hard. I need to get that done and asap. The cake will be made by my MamaJean(my grandma).  She makes the best pistachio cake ever and it is a tradition for my moms birthday. Can't wait to have a slice just thinking about it.  Wish me luck with my menu :)

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Menu Plan Monday Week 3

   Another Monday already I can't believe it. The time is flying by so fast. Its time for Menu Plan Monday again hosted by I am an Organizing Junkie. I am posting this on Tuesday because when I had time to get on the computer last night, I could not get it away from my husband.  I think we each need our own hehe.  The kids are feeling better which is a relief.  Things can get back to normal. So here is our plan for this week.

 Bruschetta Pork Roast
 Mac and cheese

 Pizza Night

 Chicken & Fresh Mozzarella with Roasted Red Peppers wraps
 Chicken and Broccoli Rice

 Breaded Pork Chops
 Scalloped Potatoes
 French Green Beans

 Garlic Bread

  Mom's Birthday Diner
      No clue yet :(

 Corned Beef

    So I am still contemplating what to make for my Mom's birthday dinner.  I will update when I get a clue.  Hope everyone has a great week.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

A Crazy Week

   I have been MIA this week.  It has been a little crazy. The bean had a double ear infection and the bird still has a cold. The days just got away from me and I did not get in any of the posts that I wanted to.  Now that things are getting back to normal I will be able to get in my regular posts.  The weekend is upon us and even though it is a little late. We are going to finish taking down our Christmas tree. The kids still wanted it up and with them being sick I gave it another week. 

  I am really hoping for a nice weekend so that we can get a lot of stuff done. We unfortunately had gotten a leak on our camper roof nothing to bad it just happened.  But needs to be fixed asap so there is not any damage.  Plus we have just the usual cleaning and trying to get organized.  I am hoping by the end of January I will have most of what I want organized done. Well just wanted to stop in and give a little update. Till tomorrow with a weekend post.

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Menu Plan Monday Week 2

         I can't believe it is Monday again already.  The weekend went by way to fast for me. Time for another Menu Plan Monday hosted by I'm an Organizing Junkie.  We had to switch up last weeks menu plan and change Saturdays menu.  The kids were really good and wanted a pizza and movie night. So we took of the Marlboro Man Sandwiches and replaced it with Homemade Veggie pizza. Everyone loved it and we had a great night. On to the menu plan


   (from last Saturday)
   Marlboro Man Sandwich From Pioneer Women
   Homemade French Fries


   Oven stuffer
   Mashed Potatoes


   Pot Roast

   Chicken Pot Pie


   Stuffed Shells
   Garlic Bread


   Fish Sticks
   French Fries


   Crock pot Mushroom Roast
   Scalloped Potatoes

   That's our plan for the week.  Tried to do some easy meals.  Both kids are home sick today so I am unsure how the week will turn out.  Hopefully everything takes a turn for the better and we get back on track.  Hope everyone has a great week !! :)

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Friday, January 6, 2012

Kindle Fire

  I decided to spend the money I had gotten for gifts on the Kindle fire.  I love it!!!! 

   What a great little machine. I can read books, play with my favorite apps and read my favorite blogs.  After reading the reviews I was a little unsure but so glad I took the plunge.  I highly recommend this if you are looking for an e-reader.  Amazon has so many free books. Plus I found out you can rent books from the library.  Which I love because that means free and you can read the latest titles. They also offer you a paid app for free everyday. Some are for the kids and  really good learning tools.  Well off to read :)

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Thursday, January 5, 2012


   So I have something new to add to my obsessions Pinterest.  I was always seeing everyone talking about Pinterest on the blogs but, never really new what it was.  Decided to check it out and fell in love.  There are so many great ideas for every part of your life. Love the baking and craft ideas.

   For the kids Christmas parties in school I made these melted snowman cookies.

   Here is the link http://www.crazydomestic.com/2010/12/melted-snowman-cookies.html .
I did Blue for the boys and pink and purple for the girls.  They were a huge hit with the kids and the other parents :) . 

  We also adopted our Elf on the Shelf family tradition this year.  Thanks to all the great ideas on Pinterest.  The kids loved having the Elf and Snowflake was welcomed into our home.  Here he is bringing the kids gloves from the North Pole.

   We were sad to see him go.  When he hitched a ride back with Santa on Christmas Eve but, we know he will be back Thanksgiving night. 

   There are so many great ideas I could go on and on and on.  If you have not checked it out yet you should.  i could just about guarantee that you will fond something you love.  Happy Pinning!! :)

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Work in Progress Wendsday


I am going to be participating in Work in Progress Wendsday held by Tami at Tami's Amis and other Creations.  I am working on a throw that I will be giving as a gift. All the squares are completed and just need to be put together.  I love the color combination in this throw i used Red Heart Super Saver yarn.  In Buff, Country Rose, Frosty Green, and Coffee.  They really flowed nice together.  Hopefully I will have it all together tonight with the border finished off. I can't wait to give it to my friend hope she loves it. :0) .

   Hopefully I will be sharing this on FO fridays we will see.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolutions for 2012

   A new year is here and its that time again new year resolutions.  This year a have a few one of which is this blog.  I am hoping to post here alot and get better as I go along.  I really get into ready everyone else's blogs and always want to get into doing my own.  This year I am going to make it happen :) .
   Of course second on my list is weight loss, which I am sure is on so many peoples resolutions for this year.  I have tried in the past and have struck out but, I am putting my all into it this year.  I kind of have a number in mind of where I would like to be.  Even though the number is not as important as how I feel and look.  Thinking about putting a fitness pal on my side bar we will see. 

  I want to work on paying of our debt, so we can cut the stress out of our life. Cutting back, no eating out, and of course couponing. Thinking of joining the grocery cart challenge and spending $50.00 a week on my grocery budget.  I think it is very plausible with couponing and shopping the sales. This year we really want to tighten our belts and get our finances in order. To help with this I am thinking of starting a Etsy shop to sell my crochet.  Even if I only make a few dollars every penny counts.

  Finally I really want to get organized.  Sometimes it is so hard between running with the kids and everyday chores. Cruising on the web I came across the 52 weeks to organizing hosted by I'm an Organizing Junkie. Hoping she hosts this for 2012 but, if not it is something I would like to try on my own.  When things are organized it just makes everything run smoother, and I for one need a smoother running house.

  So with goals in hand I am jumping straight into the fire.  Hoping that I succeed and have a wonderful year.  May you all succeed in your goals for the year.

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

         So I will be participating in Menu Plan Monday again over at I'm an Organizing Junkie. This is week is going to be easy since we will be trying to get back into our normal routine. Here we go


Garlic Shrimp with Angel Hair Pasta


London Broil
Fried Potatoes and Onions


Breaded Pork Chops
Baked Sweet Potatoes


Garlic Bread


Cream of Turkey Soup
Buttermilk Biscuits


Marlboro Mans Favorite Sandwich courtesy of Pioneer Women
Homemade French Fries


Chicken Cutlets
Mashed Potatoes

      That's our easy breezy menu for this week. Sticking with the basics for our first week back to reality.  Hoping everything goes smooth.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year New Try

   Well its 2012 and I am going to try this again. Starting and maintaining a blog was one of my 2011 goals and I failed miserably.  Time got away from me, life went by and I wrote nothing.  So with the new year here and blogging on my list of goals once again, I am hoping to succeed. 
   We had a wonderful Christmas the kids got just about everything they had hoped for. We hosted Christmas eve at our house. My family joined us every thing came out very well and a good time was had by all. Pictures will be soon to follow. I have slacked on uploading them to the computer. Must do that tomorrow.  Christmas day was breakfast with my family and dinner with my husbands.  We had a fun yet exhausting day.  The kids enjoyed the week off from school and even got to go to the movies.  We saw chipwrecked what a cute movie.

    Our daily routine must resume tomorrow school, housework, and daily life.  Hope to be blogging everyday or at least every other. Till tomorrow

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