Thursday, August 1, 2013

Back on the Wagon


 So I have decided to go for this again lol.  Things here have been very crazy. Summer is in full swing and the days are going by so fast. We have so many new things going on. We have gotten a horse and getting back into riding.  Here is a picture of our new family member Desi Lou.

 We love her to death and she is very spoiled. The kids have been doing a lot of swimming and just plain old playing. They even entered a horse show and both got a cute prize. Here are my two cowpokes.

School is coming fast and we still have so much we want to do. Camping, Fishing, Crabbing, and going to the beach. Let alone trying to get all our back to school stuff completed. I am still crocheting and plan on going to a craft fair to sell some of my stuff to make some extra money. Here is one of my latest projects.

I love these angel blankets they look so beautiful and can work up fast. I decided I am going to participate in the link ups that I did before such as Menu Plan Monday ,
Work in Progress Wednesday   and hopefully a few more to keep on a blogging roll. So much has happened since I last wrote the Bird has turned 8 and the Bean 6.  it seems like when it comes to them time is flying by and I want to slow it down. But I will talk more about this in my next post. its great to be back and hopefully I can find the time to stick with it. Till next post.

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