Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day

  We had a great Fathers Day today .  My husband woke up to this.

 From the kids The barbie gift bag was my daughters idea. She thought it was cute.  My husband had to work in the morning so when he was done we took the kids to the park.  We had a picnic lunch and did some fishing.

  Everyone had a great time The Bird caught 4 fish she was so happy. The Bean caught 2 he was not as happy.  But we told him he will have another chance to catch more, which cheered him up a bit.

 Then we went home and had a nice bbq for my dad. Everyone had a great time and after all the food and dessert.  The guys decided to cut there hair. My brother volunteered to do the job.  It actually came out pretty nice. The Bean even got  his hair cut.  It was very cute.

 That was our fathers day.  We had a wonderful day and I hope everyone else did to. 

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